Monday, 31 October 2011

Why do we feel lonely?

I am getting two opportunities a week to revisit this question via a study in the Book of Genesis.  Genesis offers a spiritual answer to this question alongside the scientific answers we encounter daily.  Why?  How do we come to be here in the first place?  Is there a reason for it all or is this the sum of a billion different random chances?  These questions are answered for every person on earth with varying levels of intensity.

How is it that our universe exists?  We are told it is expanding at a faster and faster rate... but expanding into what?  We are told that according to statistical probability there should be millions of 'earth like' planets out there in space and, again, statistically speaking thousands of them should contain life.  Still... everywhere we turn our gaze we find probability and possibility but nothing like the planet we inhabit.

What does my being alive mean?  What does my death mean?  If it is all meaningless then it is a cruel and terrible thing to spend ones life learning, growing and building only to cease to exist.

So, I choose to find meaning in the faith answers provided by Scripture.  Genesis tells me that there is a reason for it all, there is an intent behind it all.  "God saw that it was good" gives me hope in the face of death.  The values of love, honesty, kindness, faith and joy are worthy and provide a basis for a life here and now but also in the future.

This puts me squarely in the 'religious' camp and likely in smaller company than other views. So be it... but I am enjoying the process of looking at it again.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

One Size Fits All

The other day I saw a bumper sticker with which you may have some familiarity... it is just one word and is composed of all the symbols used by the world's religions:  COEXIST.  In the words of a famously beat down man:  "Can't we all just get along?"  If you stupidly religious people would just pull your head out... we'd have a far better world.

This is an interesting viewpoint.  I think it is built on a culture that is widely varied with choices.  Like fast food?  Your choices are extensive.  Want to buy some clothing?  Anyone who watches TV could quickly name 5 places where your clothing needs can be met.  Need some groceries?  A plethora of stores, all fully stocked, await your arrival.  So it is no wonder that people see this same viewpoint when it comes to churches.  Have some vague sense that there is something more than just this world?  There are more religions than you could shake a stick at (wonder where that euphemism came from?).  All claim to have direct connection with the mind of God.   All prescribe certain behaviors and thoughts that when acheived should give you peace of mind and holiness.   If they just weren't so 'exclusive' we wouldn't have any problems.  This is a problem by the way.  When you claim to speak with the blessing of God... it's hard to be wrong until you are.

What is a person to do?  We live in a world that is increasingly separating along 'party lines'.  There are now 7 BILLION people in the world (and McDonald's has made a burger for each of them if you see their signs...) and it seems that at some point in time there will be a 'play' for some of the precious resources left.  It is most likely that this will be along secterian lines and the 'team' with the best organization, plans, weapons and warriors will win the day.  That may be pessimistic but I don't think it is that far afield.  Besides, this is my blog and I get to say whatever I am thinking.  There hasn't been a government in the world that hasn't made use of God in one way or another...  "Gott Mitt Uns" was on the belt buckles of Nazi soldiers.  "In God we Trust" is on the currency of a nation that pretty clearly doesn't anymore and maybe never did...

I must admit that I have only the ability to delineate a problem and would be straying down the wrong path if I used this platform to promote my view (although I have already declared it my blog...).  The usual answer is that this is a personal choice and should not be imposed on the nation in which one lives.  Try telling that to the nations in Africa that have recently deposed their long term dictators.  What form of government are they installing?  Not trying to be prophet here but...

So... what store should we shop at today?  Someday there may not be much choice.

Thanks for listening.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

The Six Weeks have ended

Six weeks have passed in our lives measured from the 10th Anniversary of 9/11.  In that span of time I have been the 'preacher' at our church.  (Our pastor completed 25 years of service in January and the church decided to send him on a 3 month sabbatical)  Having had several months lead time to think, plan and pray we went on a 5 week retrospective study in the Gospel of John.  If you, the reader, are interested in hearing any of these you may locate them on the website of the church: and if you go to the 'listen' section they should be there for a few weeks.

On Saturday we attended the funeral of a former neighbor.  She had battled 5 long years against lung cancer. A life-long non-smoker she did not give in to the disease and though it took her life it did not destroy her.  It was an up-lifting service and an opportunity to join with much of the Stanwood community in honoring this fine friend, wife and mother.

Did I mention that I am a blessed man?