Saturday, 25 February 2012

Computer Problems

It has been nearly a month since I have been able to post anything.  Our computer was shutting off at random times, right in the middle of whatever you were doing.  No warning, no messages just "Boink!" at it was gone.  I began to despair that we had lost all of our pictures, files and such that weren't backed up.  I have a device but hadn't actually done any back up for well over a year!  My bad.

So, in discussing the problem with my oldest son he seemed to think it was an overheating issue.  Then in the mail this past week a local company was advertising 1 day repairs.  So I called to find out what they needed me to bring in.  When asked for a description of the problem the tech felt it was a hardware issue and that was more than one day and pretty expensive (in-other-words -  buy a new computer!).  I decided to take the tower apart and see if it was dusty/dirty... and it was!  So I vacuumed extensively, blew dust out of parts the vacuum didn't reach and generally tried to clean it up.  When I put it back together and re-attached all the plugs/wires it came on and has worked seamlessly since!  I had all but decided to buy a new computer today and now have received a reprieve!

Now, while I cannot promise that blogging will resume in earnest I have at least explained why there was no change for so long.
