Yesterday I pulled a shift at a station different than my own. I am a Hazardous Materials Technician and the station that houses our techs was one short. So I was 'detailed' to fill that spot. It was a beautiful warm, sunny day; quite a bit different from the cloudy rainy patch through which we in the NW were slogging. After a call around 2 p.m. we discovered that we were going to have to go to the station in which I usually work to conduct a tour. After the tour we returned to the Haz-Mat station via a circuitous route. It was while we were returning that we were called to a MVC involving a motorcycle and a car. The initial report was that CPR was being performed on the motorcyclist. We were not first on scene but we made the scene and supported the first in crews in their CPR efforts. Sadly the cyclist was DRT (dead right there) and all resuscitation efforts were stopped. Now, every FF will tell you they see lots of death. I always find it a bit sad when someone who was enjoying the same sunny day as me suddenly, and before they could say "Oh No!", was now dead. A great way to die but it sucks for your family and friends as no chance for goodbyes exists. Guess it's one reason to keep short accounts!
Later in the day we were called to a local AFH (Adult Family Home - the fireservice is chock full of acronyms!) to confirm a death. When someone passes away outside the hospital we are called to confirm asystole (flat line - no heart action at all). Then the Sherriff's officer has to come to do a basic investigation and then contact the medical examiner so the body can be realeased. In this case, a sad one to boot, the deceased had been living in the AFH for some time. No family, no relatives apparently alone in the world... he had been hospitalized with kidney failure and had begged the Dr. to be allowed to 'come home' to the AFH to die. Someone paid to care for him would be the last person he would see in this world. It was kind of the owner of the AFH to allow him back - a kindness not often seen - and it was a bit sad that he died without anyone to mourn him.
Glad to be home now for 5 days so I can go back again. Now I will see live people...
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