Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Weird with a Capital "We"

So yesterday at work we had a couple of transports to the ER involving young teens who had either threatened suicide or had acted it out somehow.  This always results in a transport to the ER for an evaluation.  Both teens just wanted to go back to their room and forget about the whole thing. Both were pretty unhappy when they found out their choices were limited to going with us or going with the cops.

Anyway... the second such transport was for a young man almost 15 years old.  As we were waiting for the officer to complete his paperwork and as we were starting to get the young man ready for the fact that he was going to the ER his mother showed up at the back of the ambulance.  I went out to speak with her to see if she had any further information.   As we were talking she informed me that things had been hard for this young man since his father had died just a couple of years before.  That's when I recognized her.  Our crew had been the one called to their home and had done CPR on her husband!  That shed a little more light on things.  So after I explained that her son would be going with us to the ER for a physical evaluation I went back into the ambulance to explain it to her son.  (He wasn't happy as I said before).

It gets weirder...

As we were transporting the crew was trying to explain to the young man that he still had some control on how his evening would go.  If he was polite, cooperative and reasonable he would get home sooner than if he was an idiot, carrying on and cussing everyone out.  One of the crew shared how he had lost a friend in the last couple of years as well.  Then our young man said, "Yeah, I had a friend die in a sand box."  Believe it or not, our crew had been on that call too and had done CPR on the 10 year old all the way to the hospital (a 15 minute transport at least even going code.  I was the one doing compressions that whole trip)!

Talk about a weird co-incidence!  Weird with a Capital "We".  (Thanks to Red Dwarf for that quote...)

It isn't always that way at work but sometimes it can be.

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