Monday 20 June 2011

I hate pictures... I love pictures.

Is there anything with which a person has a more convoluted relationship than photographs?  The camera is faithful.  It tells the unvarnished truth (if you let it) and while we all know they can be doctored to tell the story you want for the most part, especially with candids taken on the fly, it shows just what is.  I hate it.  I love it.  What a conundrum!

I have an image of myself in my mind and lately, every time I see a photo, it shocks me out of that reverie!  What has happened?  Where did the time go?  Who is that next to my family?  I hate it.

Pictures arrive regularly that show our family enjoying each other.  Whenever we can get together to do something we look like we are genuinely enjoying it!  I love it.

My grandsons live in Minnesota.  The internet provides the best link to their lives with youtube, facebook and skype.  They are such fun to watch and enjoy as they grow.  I love it.

I don't think this will be resolved any time soon...

1 comment:

  1. Interesting . . .

    What do you look like in your own mind? I can definitely see that happening, especially as time goes on. It has got to be unnerving. Ugh, reality.

    I remember feeling like that to some extent when I was spending a lot of time around kids of varying shades of brown. I was always so shocked by my whiteness in the mirror. I was used to looking at the beautiful spectrum of light-to-dark brown skin that seeing my pink-ish white self was a little unsettling.

    On another note, do you feel more connected with the boy-ohs through my efforts? I try, I really do.
