In my job as a Firefighter I come across some weird 'cosmic' situations. The other night was just such a time...
Around 0330 hrs we were toned to assist another unit responding to an adult family home. We were called for 'elderly male, not breathing'. This almost always results in a CPR call - I've done a lot of CPR over my career - and so we were gearing up to join a crew with CPR in progress. The other crew arrived and just a minute or so later advised that we could cancel. Dispatch had said something about DNR (do not resuscitate) paperwork being completed and it must have been true. Let me say this - DNR paperwork was one of the best things to happen to the fire service. Now instead of assaulting someone to the grave we can just confirm that their heart has pumped its final time and let them go in peace.
Then, just an hour later the crew that had cancelled us at the potential CPR call was dispatched for 'immanent childbirth'. They got the opportunity to welcome a new child into the world, albeit in 'fast-forward' mode.
So in the space of one hour that crew ushered someone out of the theatre (so to speak) and then ushered someone new into their seat.
Cosmic bellhops.
At your service.
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